Tips on converting color images to black and white

27 diciembre 2023 - Fotografía de paisaje - Comentar -

Enable gray scale mode

Trying to figure out which colour photos make good black-and-white images can be quite a task if you have to go through each one and convert...

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What makes a great photograph?

23 noviembre 2023 - Fotografía de paisaje - Comentar -

Here is what comes to mind:

1. A subject that produces visual interest: something that captures the viewer’s mind for one reason or another. The viewer may be drawn...
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Gear used for landscape photography and why

05 octubre 2023 - Equipo - Comentar -

When it comes to landscape photography, having the right gear can make a significant difference in the quality of your images. However, do keep in mind it is essential to...

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Part I - Capturing the scene

22 diciembre 2022 - Image Stacking - Comentar -

One of the most popular techniques in landscape photography is “Focus Stacking”. The purpose of focus stacking is to get the sharpest point of focus possible from top to...

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Part II - Processing images in Photoshop

21 diciembre 2022 - Image Stacking - Comentar -

Focus Stacking with Photoshop.

Focus stacking is a great technique for achieving a greater depth of field in your images. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to stack...

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